Revolving around the high school drama, Vikas Gupta’s Puncch beat became one the most promising web series for the youth after its blockbuster release on 14th February. Having an impressive star-cast of Siddharth Sharma (MTV fame), Priyank Sharma, Harshita Gaur, and the Cadbury girl, Khushi Joshi, made Puncchbeat a must watch, even before its release. Kajol Tyagi, Samir Soni, and Nikki Walia were the icings on the cake. In addition to high school drama, Puncchbeat also focusses on family drama, friendship conflicts, love quadrangle and it depends only on how you take it.
Series introduces Rahat Sharma (Priyank) as a teen with an ugly past that never allows him to move on. He is heartbroken when he discovers the truth about his father. The person he idolized since he was a child, Rajbir Choudhary(Samir Soni) is his father. He is an Olympian in boxing and also the pride of Rosewood High, the prestigious institution where Rahat is headed to. Maya(Nikki Walia), Principal of Rosewood High, wife of Rajbir Choudhary and also the best friend of Rahat’s mother brings him here to comfort him and get rid of his terrible past. The series balances a handful of emotions, be it romance, rivalry, jealousy or maternal love. Love Quadrangle is seen between Rahat, Ranbir (Siddharth), Divyanka(Harshita) and Padmini(Khushi). Rahat has a strong opinion that love only brings pain. On the other hand, Divyanka is a strong believer of love. Ranbir is a spoilt brat. His current interest in affection is Divyanka. Padmini, who loves Ranbir, is not able to digest the same fact.
Nikki is the most lovable and admired character of the series while Samir Soni makes it difficult for us to take our eyes off him, due to his mindblowing acting skills. Holding the best grounds for boxing, Rosewood High gets the opportunity of hosting ‘Phoenix‘, an inter-high school event where Rosewood High takes part in boxing every year. With the entry of dance diva in Rosewood, it also participates in the dancing competition. Divyanka is partnered by Padmini who backs off at the last moment leaving Divyanka alone on the stage. Her performance is loved by the audience, though. Rajbir always tries to push away Rahat out of his life. In spite of dying inside, Maya is seen coming as a breath of fresh air into Rahat’s life who always keeps the spirit of positivity and lets Rahat live a life. Rahat is Ranbir’s half-brother, a reality that is accepted neither by Rajbir nor by Ranbir. Street Fighter Rahat is chosen to challenge Ranbir, who is the boxing champion (slayer) of Rosewood.
A couple of things also run parallel with the main plot which at last turns out as a reason for a pending boxing match between Rahat and Ranbir. A battle of boxing is accompanied by an awe-struck battle of relations and emotions. The thrill and suspense unfolding in each episode is what keeps the viewers engaged. Love plays games and we see relations changing as days pass by. All in all, it is a wholesome package of drama, emotions, suspense, and thrill. A series that could be watched in a day, would certainly be expected to bring its season 2. To Alt Balaji and Lost Boy Productions, we are eagerly waiting for a season 2 of Puncchbeat as the first one has already left a long lasting impression on our minds and hearts. Congratulations on the same!