“Rain” is a thriller show, which keeps you hooked up by revolving around the story of a girl, who is trapped by a group of people from her past. Being directed by Anupam Santosh Saroj and written by our all-time favorite Vikram Bhatt, features Sid Makkar and Priya Banerjee in the lead roles.
The story unfolds in six episodes all in the rainy night, and thereby adds essence to the series name “Rain!”. #Ontalk with Sid Makkar (Abhay), he told, “It’s an edge of the seat thriller and will have very few characters to the plot. It’s very interesting because everything happens around a very small space.”
Jumping into the story line! It all starts with Mumbai rains which was a motif. A girl named Barkha, a criminal lawyer where death, rape and murder were daily soap for her, discolors her selves for the situation she was facing with and thereby puts a spotlight on what’s in store for us.
Like, a female can be your best friend and worst enemy, as well!
This story depicts to the phrase above. The girl, whom she shares her room with, Sia, has some connection with Barkha’s past. She was once Barkha’s best friend. But, What made her become foe towards Barkha? What might be the connection between the two girls towards their past?
Wait! It’s not all about the two girls and their connection towards the past, there is also a character to be introduced – The actor who brought spot light in the web-series Spot Light, is here in this series. Yes, Sid Makkar a.k.a Abhay plays a role of a lawyer, a colleague of Barkha, at her work place.
“A life without love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses!”
Yes, Abhay has a love past with Barkha and this duet adds flavor to the show, by sizzling chemistry between them.
Well, Will the love of Barkha save her from the girl, who turns to be the ‘Foe’? or Will Abhay’s love turns to be Foe along with Sia? There is still left something unsaid! There was someone for whom Barkha has chained in one of the room which will leave us thinking about the mystery.
- Who actually is the man? Is he something to do with the past of Barkha? or Will he turns out to protect Barkha in return?
- What is Abhay doing here again, when he has already left Barkha?
Check the first episode down here which will definitely set you up for a good story and will grab the eyeballs of yours and answer your questions.